A+ U: The Virtual A+ You-niversity is the home for online supplemental professional development for the A+ Schools of North Carolina network. A+ U is a series of self-guided units of study completed at your own pace. Each unit is provided in a fully annotated PDF booklet that guides you through the exploration of components related to a particular A+ topic of study. Each unit will take about two and half hours to complete, and upon completion of each unit you will receive a certificate of participation to be used towards CEU credit.

Watch the A+ U Orientation video below to learn more.

If you have previously registered for A+ U, please use the the link and access code provided in your confirmation email.


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To complete your registration, please click "Submit" only once (it may take a few seconds to process). A confirmation email will be sent to the address you provided above with the link and access key to A+ U.

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