Author: A+ Schools of North Carolina
A+ Schools of North Carolina is the nation’s longest-running and most successful model of arts-based whole-school transformation. The results of recent research on the implementation of A+ practices and philosophy are impressive in the domains of school growth, student proficiency, and the narrowing of achievement gaps. Additionally, A+ helps schools to build creative, engaging learning environments that allow students to master state standards while developing their twenty-first-century skills. You’re only a few clicks away from staying informed, so please connect, like, follow, and have a conversation with us across all of our social media platforms.
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1. Because you love A+ Schools
Many of you are part of our extended network of A+ friends and have an interest in what we’re doing. When you follow us on Facebook, you’ll see how we support schools across North Carolina and in other states, and you can enjoy the journey with us. We like to keep our school leaders, teachers, A+ Fellows, and partners up to date, and updating our social media is the number-one way we do that. Show your support by following us.
2. Because you are part of our A+ community
Many of you are at an A+ school or have served as an A+ Fellow. Because you’re part of the A+ community, you want to keep up with A+ network news. And we want to talk with you from time to time about things that are happening in the network. If you’re interested in learning more about A+ professional development opportunities, resources, and best practices across the network, following us on Facebook and Twitter is an easy way to stay current and share our excitement about all that A+ has to offer.
3. Because you want to interact with us
Social media is a wonderful channel for communication. Have a question for us or a great story to share? We’ll gladly answer all of your questions and we’re truly thankful for news of your struggles and successes, your feedback, and your suggestions. Join in on the conversation--Talk to us on Facebook and/or Twitter.