A+ Fellows conduct high-quality professional development for A+ schools and partner organizations. Because A+ professional development is based on a strong practitioner model, the fellows are leaders in the arts and education. Our current cadre of fellows is comprised of practicing classroom teachers, arts and special area teachers, administrators, artists, and writers. As a group, they represent the varied perspectives of the school community and the community at large and include teaching artists, school-based educators and administrators, district-level leaders and higher education faculty.
Become an A+ Fellow

A+ Fellows enter the network as apprentices (potential fellows) with a wide range of expertise and experience and are asked to serve in this “cognitive apprenticeship” role for one year, observing and assisting veteran fellows as they conduct professional development. During this first year, Apprentice Fellows consider how their strengths might be used and what areas they need to develop. A+ Fellows are then assigned to work on teams that allow them to use their expertise.
Apprentice Fellows are selected based on the needs of A+ Schools. If you would like to be notified about the next Apprentice Fellows application cycle, please contact A+ Schools Program Coordinator Jennifer Huggins at jennifer.huggins@dncr.nc.gov to express your interest or for more information.